Ethnic Villages of Vietnam Part 2

Xin Man Village of Ha Giang Province
Xin Man is a typical district of Ha Giang northern province and has two vestiges in national range. It brings characteristics of Ha Giang culture and people here are very upright to welcome guests.
Stopping on the top of Gio mountain pass in the jungle of 1000-year old ancient forest and releasing the soul suddenly take us come back to the period of forming the earth. Thousand-year old “sen” trees are immeasurably high to seeing range and colorful baskets of orchids are hung on these trees. The sound of water pouring on the Tien waterfall is rumble. Tasting fried foods, bouillabaisse and drinking Lang Tao wine, which originates from Ngo village, droning out some folk-songs makes the spring in this forest become deeper. Right on the Tien waterfall flowing from forest of high trees down, tourists can freely go out and see scenery of mountain and forest and release the soul into wonderland. A house on stilts with characteristics lies in the center of mountain pass’s top, next to the post which was built by feudal colonialists in the ancient time and still pensive with the time. Mong girl’s dance is flexible with warm sound of pan-pipe.
Xin Man shares border with four villages with length which is 32.5 km through 36 villages. Inhabitants attach with land and village during day and night and together build a new life. There are many deep felt loves between residents and border soldiers. Moc market is in rush of buyers and sellers in 5 spring days.
Choose for yourself some souvenirs when coming back to Xin Man village and come down to Then Phang and Diu village to discover Gia Long Mountain whose height is 2000 m. Here most are La Chi, Nung, Mong, Pu Peo people living together. Food for spring days is horse of La Chi and “men men” sticky rice with ginger and cabbage soup of Mong people, smoked pork fried with leaves of pepper of Nung people and drink ginger leaves wine and nobody is not drunk when coming here. Being drunk in the people’s love and uprightness, nobody doesn’t want to be drunk. And hearing the sound of water of the Chay River flowing from the riverhead to Viet land with sound of water flowing into the pipe of Chay 5 hydroelectric power station in Then Phang, you feel like living in the dream.
Bac Me Village of Ha Giang Province
The nature of Ha Giang is given a magnificent landscape with Bac Me and it becomes one of the attractive destinations in a years to come.
The program of traditional tourism village is continuously developed to bring Bac Me into a real organizational tourism place in Ha Giang. The culture village of local Tay people is opened with a real wild culture space with the nice touch and mixture of nature and people.
Lung Cu Village of Ha Giang Province
In Ha Giang province’s global geo-park of Dong Van, amidst the rocky mountains, ethnic groups such as the Hmong, Dao, Tay, Nung, Lo Lo and Pu Peo attract both domestic and international tourists with their unique cultural traditions and lifestyles. Houses built hundreds years ago in the Old Quarter of Dong Van still maintain many of the local cultural characteristics.
The busy and crowded Sa Phin market in Dong Van is held every week. Women go to the market to shop while men go to meet people, drink wine, eat thang co (a traditional Hmong dish made from different kinds of meat) and play the khen (pan-pipes). Children accompany their parents and many young people go to the market to find future spouses. Tourists from abroad are easily enchanted and may get lost amid the bright colours and boisterous sounds that are typical of this mountain market.
Being famous for long time, Khau Vai Maket was first opened in 1919 on a hill in Khau Vai Hamlet, Khau Vai commune, Meo Vac District. Today, it is held every year on the 27 th day of lunar March. On March 26, crowds of local people in traditional dress travel to the market from all the corners of the mountainous area. Those from distant villages up to three mountains or four or five streams away from the market, leave very early for the market. Despite the rugged Rocky Mountains, deep streams and dangerous sleeve-shaped stretches of road, they all flood into the market and wait eagerly. Harmonious singing and the inviting sounds of the khen la (leaf pan-pipes) can be heard. Khau Vai Market is also known as a “love market”. Since the 1990s, young people from ethnic groups in the region have gone to the market for entertainment and to look for lovers. Many people have found their future spouses at the market.
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