Happy Birthday to Vietnam B2B Direct

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Sourcing Manufacturers In Vietnam for Over 20 Years, Vietnam Manufactures, sourcing agency Vietnam, Vietnam b2b direct, Sourcing Manufactures Vietnam, Import, Export Vietnam,

Happy Birthday to Vietnam B2B Direct — Over 20 years and growing…

All of us at Vietnam B2B Direct are very proud to celebrate that our Management has been doing business in Vietnam for over 20 years, and will be here for another 20+ years. We have found that the secret to success in operating and managing any type of business in Asia is longevity. Most companies in Asia are considered like family and we all want our family members to live a long and prosperous life. As most companies in Asia were started by ancestors of the present owners, this beneficial ancestral cultural trait of learning to doing business in Asia, which includes Vietnam, is something all western companies should become aware and master.

We like to thank all our wonderful clients from all over the world. Thank you and cảm ơn bạn!

About Vietnam B2B Direct

Vietnam B2B Direct’s Management Group consists of well educated English-speaking Vietnamese Personnel in its Vietnam operations trained in western business practices.

And, it is important to be able to consult and communicate directly with your local expert in Vietnam that can provide insight on local markets and how these markets are likely to change in the short and the long term.

Vietnam B2B Direct’s focus is on building trade agreements between worldwide companies and Vietnam businesses by providing full supply chain management services in sourcing, manufacturing, importing and exporting.

Contact Mr. Bill Gadd at billgadd@VietnamB2BDirect.com to discuss your plans for sourcing a low cost manufacturing solution in Vietnam… or complete our inquiry form here.

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Quality Control Inspection Services in Vietnam from Vietnam B2B Direct
Vietnam B2B Direct has been delivering affordable, on site at factory premises in Vietnam, Quality Control Inspection Services and Quality Assurance for over 18 years. ... [Read More...]



An International Entrepreneur and Business Leader multi-skilled in business start-ups, marketing, sales, administration, management and leadership for the past 33 years. ...
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Vietnam B2B Direct’s Management Group consists of well educated English-speaking Vietnamese Personnel in its Vietnam operations trained in western business practices.

Our management expertise includes Sourcing Agent Specialists, Business Development and Sales Reps, IT Programmer, Quality Control Engineer, Administration, Field Agents and Content Marketing & Website Management... [read more about Vietnam B2B Direct's personnel ...]




Vietnam B2B Direct - International Trade Solutions Co., Ltd.

Head Office in Vietnam
2A / 20 Bach Dang Street
Ward 2, Tan Binh District
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam
TEL +84 (0) 28 3844-7055
FAX +84 (0) 28 3842-3662
North American Offices 1-905-376-1700

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For details of new business opportunities and for all your sourcing needs of products and manufacturers in Vietnam, please contact Vietnam B2B Direct ...